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Available education/ Demos


Electric play

We demonstrate, teach, and discuss various forms of electrical play. Beginner through advanced Violet Wand including direct, indirect, and reverse techniques ranging from light and sensual to high levels of sensation. We also demonstrate and teach beginner through advanced TENS/EMS play.

Fire Play

From the dawn of time fire has fascinated humankind and is one of our most popular demonstrations and performances. We perform and teach various forms of safer fire play including fire massage, fire fleshing, fire mousse, fire cotton, fire cupping, towel of terror, high voltage fire massage, high voltage explosive fire cupping and other interesting and unique techniques.


Wax Play


Producers, demonstrators, educators, and performers of candles, waxes, and wax play techniques, including our own proprietary techniques using our own waxes. We produce our own low-temperature wax for demonstration, education, and sale. Our typical play wax is low-temperature special blend paraffin in both conventional colors and fun black light-reactive neons. We also teach and use conventional candles and techniques.

We chose paraffin over soy and other types of wax because paraffin is typically better chemically controlled as well as being used in the spa and beauty industry for decades with few to no ill effects on literally hundreds of thousands of people.

Impact play

We cover a wide range of disciplines from typical floggers, crops, and paddles, to single tail whips and fire caning, flogging, and high voltage paddles. We’re just as happy to bring you a friendly 101-style class or demonstration as we are to bring our more advanced classes and demos.


Rope PLay

We specialize in friendly, inclusive and fun rope play demonstrations. Our rope teams happily tie any gender or body type and share our combined knowledge of rope and rope work. Most of our rope demonstrators enjoy quick fun decorative rope, although we do have the more intricate and technical shibari techniques available for performance education and demonstration

Body drumming

The art form of gentley, or not so gentley drumming on the human body with various mallets in time to music.

Image by Samuel Woods

Needle Play

Image by Ed Cijs

Needle play may range from manipulation or stimulation of permanent piercings to insertion of play piercing needles in cool patterns to electronic stimulation of play piercing needles placed through folds of skin all over the body.

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